Funeral Costs - Everything is made clear so you can make the right choices
We take pride in our personal service and will always seek to carry out the wishes you express to us. Each funeral is tailored to the needs of the individual concerned and in accordance with the National Association of Funeral Directors' Code of Practice, a written estimate is given after our initial discussion and before arrangements are put in hand.
No one should feel they have been over or under charged. A copy of our price list can be obtained by contacting either of our offices.
The final account reflects the choice of arrangements that you have selected and what we have paid on your behalf. The choice of coffin, the number of cars and the details of the arrangements will influence our fees, but please be assured that whatever style of funeral you have chosen the standard of our service and care remain the same: the highest that we can give.
If you are concerned about affording a funeral, and you are likely to experience problems with payment of the funeral account the D.W.P. may be able to help and advise you. Most importantly, if there is likely to be a problem, tell us now and we will endeavour to find a solution.